I am so happy you’ve found your way over to my blog on personal finance, wealth building, blogging tips, making side income, and travel.
I created this blog as a journey to gaining a life of financial freedom so that I can spend more time with those I love.
In the process, I get to share my financial learnings with you in the hopes that there is information that will be useful to you in your financial journey.
I also desire the ability to dedicate more time to my passion projects (and I have quite a few of them).
Here’s a little about me: My name is Sherry, I am the mother of one, a (recently retired) government worker by day, and a blogger and author by night (hmnnn…..make that blogger by day now).
My latest children’s book is My Mystical, Magical, Shrinking Hair and you’re invited to check out some of my other books at sherryYsmith.com.
I’m the creator, producer, and performer of a one-woman show titled ‘The Calypso Girl Tour…stories from Calypso to Cali” (CalypsoGirlTour.com).
In my ‘spare time’, you might find me riding my coveted Harley motorcycle – Willi-P, performing volunteer work with my sorority, traveling the world, snorkeling, or writing my next one-woman show.
I have several degrees (and unfortunately, several student loans to show for it). I’ve always had a fascination with topics of finance and travel.
What better way to corral all of those together under one umbrella – thus, this blog was birthed.
Thanks for coming along on this journey to financial independence with me! I would love to hear from you.
You can contact me below or at sh****@aL*********************.com.
I hope you get as much out of this blog as I plan to and I appreciate you ‘stopping by here.’
XOXO & Blessings,
Dr. Sherry Y. Smith
Here are some of my most visited posts:
How I Saved Over $30,000 in 6 Months
Save Money House Hacking and Live Rent Free
10 Easy Ways to Earn Free Amazon Gift Cards
me and my Harley, ‘Willi P’
My One-woman show: The Calypso Girl Tour
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