Is earning extra money at the top of your Wish List?
Do you have a desire to earn extra money for a vacation or sending your kid off to college or a number of other reasons?
Are you unfulfilled at your job? Maybe even unsatisfied with your salary?
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Do you feel you’re not living your passion and purpose?
If that’s the case, starting a side hustle to earn extra money may be just the thing for you.
A side hustle is a product or service that you offer outside of your current job to generate an additional stream of income.
In addition to creating an increased money flow, side hustles can also provide a way to release and work on your passion projects and potentially build your business to the point of working your way out of your 9 to 5.
Your side hustle may be as intricate as building complex computer programs, or perhaps you love animals and decide to start a dog walking service.
Whatever you decide your side hustle is going to be, it’s going to take one sure thing: Sacrifice.
Building your side hustle may mean making a sacrifice to cut down (or totally eliminate) some activities like binge-watching on Netflix.
Sometimes it means less time hanging out with your friends after work or on the weekends.
It could even mean sacrificing that daily visit to Starbucks or Dunkin and making your own coffee.
Whatever it is that you want to do as your side hustle, you must put time and sacrifice into building your side hustle.
Creating your side hustle to become an entrepreneur may not be an easy task and it may take time to build into a solid business, but it is doable.
To be as successful as possible, make sure your side hustle is based on a need and solves a problem.
You may notice several overgrown lawns in your neighboring vicinity, and realize an opportunity for a side hustle and start a lawn mowing service.
Do your research on a service that you can provide or a product that you could create.
A side hustler must take the time to put into creating their difference-making product or service.
Depending on your side hustle and resources, will determine how much of a cash layout you need, if any.
If your side hustle is something you already do and enjoy, you would invest your time in doing that same activity while building your side hustle business.
Your side hustle doesn’t have to be devoid of fun. If you enjoy hosting and meeting new people, and have a spare room in your home, perhaps being an Airbnb host and greeting people from all over the world would be perfect for you.

If you want a side hustle as an event planner, it would benefit you to attend events. It might be beneficial to observe what others do well, and what can be improved upon.
As an example, for an aspiring event planner, it would be beneficial to record what makes an event fun, and what is not desirable about an event.
Attending events is investing your time in researching your side hustle. Find ways you stand out from the crowd of other like products or services.
You can even side hustle your way out of a 9-5. Again, it may be difficult, but it is not impossible.
Find the fulfillment you need from your side hustle and rake in some extra cash in the process. It is possible to make extra money and earn the income that you need by doing something you enjoy.
Build your side hustle into an additional stream of income so that when the time is right, you just may decide you can leave your 9-5.
Need some inspirational ideas for starting your Side Hustle?
Grab your free downloadable copy of 20 Side Hustle Ideas by clicking here.